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Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm different, I'm difficult, I'm awkward.

I don't always have the right thing to say, not even most of the time, but I'm good at listening. I have trouble falling asleep at night, and my hair never falls quite the way I want it to. And my eyes are too small, but I have the brightest, straightest smile, and I've never even had braces. I can't even begin to explain the amount of times I've messed something important up, or ruined a surprise. I talk a lot, and most of the things I say are negative, but people tend to find me funny. You may not understand me, in fact, you probably won't, but the thing is, you don't have to understand every little thing I do in order to like me. Why don't people understand this? Sure, there are a million and one things wrong with me, but with every bad thing I guarantee there are two better things. So get to know me before you judge. Maybe you'll see me on a bad day, but I promise you the tomorrow that follows will be better. So let's hear it for second chances, let's hear it for fixing things that are broken, and let's hear it for taking a walk in someone else's shoes before judging them.

Me, with my best buds :)

me and joven :))

You know someone is a true friend when,u are about to break down&cry,but they will say the stupidest,most random thing just to see u smile♥

It's like this. When you are four you want to be a princess and nothing can stop you from ruling the perfect kingdom. At seven you're a teacher, and your students love you, because what could be more cool than learning? At ten years old it's crucial that you become a police officer, or maybe the president of the philippines. But at 18 you don't know what to do with your life, and at 22 it's even more unclear. I always thought I knew exactly what I would do with my life.

I'd be married to the perfect man, and have the perfect kids, and life would be...well, perfect. Now though, things have changed. I'm not saying I wont, but leaving doesn't seem so important anymore. I guess it's because of people I've met, or things I've been doing but I know my future is no longer sticking to the book. It's changed and it's uncertain, yet so promising, and I'm completely terrified. I don't know which direction I should go in, but somehow this doesn't bother me. Why? Because everything is going to be okay. I have a sense of trust in the things I'm doing, and I know I'll get out somehow, even if it doesn't mean physically leaving this place. And that, is amazing.

Ren and Me college days :)

"Happiness isn't about getting what you want all of the time it's about enjoying what you already have."


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