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Monday, December 27, 2010

Little things still remind me of you but the difference is I don't miss you anymore.

Ever feel something so powerful it knocks you off your feet? Maybe a bad feeling like anger or sadness or maybe a good one such as happiness or ecstasy. Does it remind you of another moment where you felt something different or is it new? I always feel so ripped off when I feel amazing before realizing that I only feel that way because it reminds me of a moment when I felt the same way. It's cheap happiness or cheap anger. I don't want it. I'm all for feeling things but only if those emotions are real. Enjoy every moment, good and bad, because you never know when (if) you'll feel that way again. You may think you don't want to be sad ever again but if you don't remember what it's like to feel bad, you can't ever fully enjoy good feelings.
Love is something that can only be felt, not described. You can try to fit words to the feeling but somehow you always come up short because so much is lost in translation. Your definition is different from the next person's and theirs different from the next. Love is a smell, a sound, a word that reminds you of that person. Everything reminds you of them but you don't mind because a thought that isn't about them is a wasted thought. Love is a mystical, powerful and real. "There is something there. There may be evolutionary mechanisms and there are certainly biochemical mechanisms but somehow...there's a little bit of magic in it too."
This, I'm sure was remind me that you don't need people in your life who bring you down, make fun of you, or argue with you about everything. You don't need the ones who try to make your "friendship" a competition. You don't need the people who complain about their own "issues" so often that they don't realize that you are upset, or lie to you over and over to make you feel sorry for them and then tell you they don't want you to feel sorry for them. You don't need them. I don't need them. No one does. Maybe they don't realize what they are doing, maybe they do. But what I know is that the more you go back to them, the more you egg on their behaivor, the more they will do what they are doing. We don't need to worry about these people, they will end up alone and that is when they will realize that they were doing something wrong. So live your life to the fullest and when you run into these people, just walk away.
"Beautiful things often happen when you just don't know anymore."


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